Lower melagra

The symptom known most of the sciatic neuralgia is lower melagra.
Buttocks say that a pain appears by the point of a thigh, a calf and the foot when they say the lower melagra concretely.
In other words it is the part where a sciatic nerve influences an exercise function and sensory function.
And, as for the symptom, you are various.
After all it will be a pain to be easy to notice as subjective symptoms, though.
You are hard to understand both the kind of the pain and the degree at the initial stage in a different thing by a cause, and there can be the thing that it is difficult to discover a cause early.
However, the amount of possibility that you turn worse so as to cause a delay in everyday life when you leave it is high when the cause of the pain is the gap of the backbone and the lumbar bone, and it is the transformation of an intervertebral disk playing a role to tie a bone and a bone to.
It is not a thing good too much that keep intact when aching calms down if buttocks and a leg are absent from they have a pain in, appearing just to walk.
But you had better understand that it may not be necessarily sciatic neuralgia because a pain such as these came out to buttocks or a leg.
For example, you recommend that you take the method to have you introduce internal medicine and the blood vessel surgery after you can be caused by totally different disease and vascular lesion, and having had a checkup in orthopedics if such a possibility is a little.