You stand and work

There are various occupations in the world, but does know that there is the occupation that is easy to become the sciatic neuralgia in that?
When a symptom is easy to appear, the people working with the same posture for a long time such as the master of driving of a taxi and the truck are said to be it.
However, not only the stability work but also the people who you stand, and work such as a waitress or the cabin attendant of the restaurant are said to be it when, in fact, it is easy to be for sciatic neuralgia.
You keep on standing for a reason told that you stand, and work is easy to become lumbago and the sciatic neuralgia for a long time, and there is the burden on waist by being.
You keep on standing, and it is the same posture for a long time that there is, and it may be said with there being it.
You become in a half sitting, and, as for the work carrying a heavy thing, it is said that the symptom of the sciatic neuralgia is easy to appear because it is easy to put a superabundant burden on a waist like a waitress in particular.
When you have a pain in a waist and a foot, and the symptom of the sciatic neuralgia leaves it, you might lead to a pain of the whole lower limbs.
So if it feels the burden to a waist a little, you untie a muscle around the waist by the stretch in the range to have, and it is necessary to be careful to reduce the burden on waist.